Tus ojos se tiñeron de noche
y tu risa antes cristalina se tornó
un lastimero quejido que hirió
con su llegada al alba.
y en tus manos las perlas
desgranaron el collar de vivencias
otrora belleza,
ahora ajada
la faz de tu esplendor
¿cómo ha de arrullar
el canto matinal
a un alma moribunda?.
y tu risa antes cristalina se tornó
un lastimero quejido que hirió
con su llegada al alba.
y en tus manos las perlas
desgranaron el collar de vivencias
otrora belleza,
ahora ajada
la faz de tu esplendor
¿cómo ha de arrullar
el canto matinal
a un alma moribunda?.
As I look back, I see the pain.
The feeling of despair is so evident,
but no one else seems to notice.
I can see her anguish,
her suffering it is almost too much to bear.
She is trapped in a world in which no one understands.
She is fighting to survive;
each day is harder than the day before.
Why doesn't anyone else see this?
I want to help her,
but I feel restricted by some unknown force.
Her pain is so overwhelming.
I'm still looking into her eyes,
I can't turn from them.
They are so foreign yet so for familiar!
I can feel her anguish,
the pain takes hold and will not release me
it pulls me into this empty void.
This terrible reality which is her world!
A world she cannot relinquish herself from.
Finally, I am able to blink my eyes,
and she is still looking back at me in the mirror....